Imbibe #86 Feature Illustrations

Art Director: Molly Henty

Each feature contains 1 full page spread and 2 full page illustrations.


The Heat is On - What’s the future of the summer beer cooler?

Working on all these illustrations under Covid-19 lockdown, this feature made me long to go outside the most. In this illustration I wanted to create the fantasy of a perfect beach day before quarantine.

Working on all these illustrations under Covid-19 lockdown, this feature made me long to go outside the most. In this illustration I wanted to create the fantasy of a perfect beach day before quarantine.

summer beer 02.jpg
summer beer 03.jpg

Small Wonder - In northern Spain, vermouth has made a bold comeback

Vermouth Final 01.jpg
Vermouth Final 03.jpg
Vermouth Final 02.jpg

One-Two Punch - The Arnold Palmer is more than the sum of its parts.


What Now? - The hospitality industry grapples with life after COVID-19

These were the last three illustrations created for the issue. Within the context of Imbibe this is an appropriately somber image.

These were the last three illustrations created for the issue. Within the context of Imbibe this is an appropriately somber image.

The poster of the señorita dancing was drawn by my maternal grandmother for my great aunt’s restaurant in the 1940’s.

The poster of the señorita dancing was drawn by my maternal grandmother for my great aunt’s restaurant in the 1940’s.
